What is it

Experience crystALS ! Compared to quantization or pruning, crystALS induces more informational order within layers with many models’compression factors in excess of 83%.
That’s as much execution speed, memory saved with limited loss of accuracy and precision.

CrystALS is a pun on Crystal to pursue the Sesame Street tradition initiated by BERT

Elevate your efficiency and win the AI race

Make your AI development more efficient with crystALS. Elevate your R&D’s capabilities and stay ahead in the race.

Stay efficient with no compromise on your sustainable commitments

Reduce your carbon footprint and costs with crystALS - an AI and machine learning solution that uses fewer computational resources.

About us

Brought to you by Unbias, the biases AI specialist French startup, the crystALS tool evolved out of our endeavour to engineer some of the most demanding NLP NLU and multi modal unsupervised learning applications despite gigantic complex multi constraint solution topologies.

Contact us !